LifeSiteNews: As hundreds of thousands marched yesterday in Washington protesting 41 years of legal abortion, responsible for an estimated 56 million deaths, a new survey has found that a massive percentage of Americans support significant abortion restrictions.
The new Marist Poll sponsored by the Knights of Columbus reveals more than ever that an overwhelming majority of Americans are not satisfied with the current status quo on abortion.
A staggering 84 percent believe abortion should be restricted. In this group belongs those who would restrict abortion to the first three months of pregnancy (28%), the cases of rape, incest (33%), or to save the life of the mother (12%), and those who would never permit abortion under any circumstance (11%).
The survey surprisingly found that 58 percent of strongly pro-choice Americans would support such limits.
Regardless of whether Americans think access to abortion should be legal or not, 62 percent said that abortion was “morally wrong”.
Only 9 percent believe that abortion should be available to a woman any time she wants one during her entire pregnancy, the survey found.