Nestlé is the cereal brand of choice in my household, especially when it comes to children's cereals. I was especially pleased to see a new addition to the Cookie Crisp range, which is one of our favourites.

The original Cookie Crisp cereal is obviously not made of actual cookies. It's a wheat and maize cereal that is cleverly shaped to look like little round chocolate chip cookies. This Cookie Crisp Brownie version is essentially a double chocolate version of the original cereal, but this time shaped in squares to look like brownies.

The Brownie flavor is also very similar to the original Cookie Crisp but just slightly more chocolatey. The chocolate flavor is not as strong or sweet as that found in Kellogg's cereals such as Coco Pops, but it's not a problem for us since my kids don't like those kinds of cereals anyway. This Brownie version is a great addition to the Nestlé range and is definitely a must try for any fans of the original Cookie Crisp cereal.
I also came across this recipe for real Cookie Crisp based brownies which look fantastic! Check them out here: http://bakeitinacake.com/recipes/cookiecrispbrownies
Grocery Gems Verdict: Nestle Cookie Crisp Brownie
RATING: 8.5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition: (30g with milk) 175 calories, 29.4g carbs, 13.2g sugars, 3.1g fat.
Purchased: Sainsbury's.
Price: £2.49 for 320g.