Languages Magazine

New: MindMeld Console is More Intuitive, Flexible, Powerful

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs
New: MindMeld console is more intuitive, flexible, powerful

If you’re using MindMeld or thinking about trying it out, we have great news for you. We’ve recently pushed out a big product update that includes an improved UI as well as functionality for new Dashboard, Index Documents, and Browse Documents tabs. These recent changes provide a brand new onboarding experience for developers as well as better visibility into document collections and app performance. 

Here are some of the new things you can do when you log in to MindMeld:

  • View performance stats including API queries, voice searches, average latency, active users, and indexed documents at the application and domain level across three snapshots: today, this month, and since the app was created.
  • Index documents by uploading JSON files.
  • Index documents programmatically using Node.js.
  • View domain stats including total documents, max fields per document, average fields per document, and average document size.
  • View document field stats including a list of fields, the percent of field values that are non-empty for each field, the min and max value for numerical fields, and the distribution of field values for string fields (counts by bucket).
  • Browse through a document collection directly from the console by entering text queries.

Come check it out! We hope you enjoy the new improvements. As always, if you have any questions, please contact us.

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