Mind = Blown. Gracias New Mexico.
New Mexico. Traveling, searching, exploring, filming, shooting, laughing, raving, living, breathing, burning. We found the magic. My 2nd trip to New Mexico has ended, I find myself having time-and-space-jumped back to my Copenhagen life in order to plan an epic soon to be revealed 2013 project after 7 weeks in the land of enchantment. Land of Magic. As cold as it is here, I still feel the scorching hot desert sun of New Mexico on my skin, in my face, now burning permanently in my soul. New Mexico. Mad and Magic New Mexico.
Something happened, some kind of karma high. Bit magical. Far too many stories to relate now, all in good time when the words flow out of my mind less jumpled. Unfiltered emotions, freedom, exceptional feeling of freedom, exploring, making pictures every day, filming a documentary, meeting awesome and inspiring people, making new friends, dreaming and then creating a new future, allowing great and magical things to happen. Zozobra, Pie Festivals, Rodeo, Very Large Array private tour, standing on a Spaceway, high school football, Cowboy Symposium, UFOs, nuclear bomb sites, hot on the trail of Billy the Kid all over Lincoln County, driving through wide open spaces while pounding some serious bass in the RaveMobile, 5000 miles through New Mexican towns and landscapes, a loud moment as a storm hits Ruidoso, a quiet moment in the mountains, an awe-inspiring moment standing in a VLA dish, a goose-bump-inducing moment running on a Spaceway, a blindingly bright moment in White Sands, hysterically funny moments, magical moments.
Friends, amazing friends. Charlene Winfred, best rave buddy ever on the most epic of road trips ever. A massive thank you to Daniel Milnor, Brian Miller, Ana, Liam, Sebastian for brilliant friendship and hospitality, letting me into your homes and lives. Laura, Ora, Kim, Deb, great Peru crew re-union, thanks so much for the fun and hospitality in Santa Fe. And all the awesome people I met on the road. Gracias.
Freedom. An exceptional feeling of freedom and unfiltered life and emotions. Living without filters and letting everything in, let people and things really in. Magic. Making stuff happen. Karma. Yes yes, much to tell when the words flow in a more orderly fashion. New Mexico, Mad and Magic, burn, burn brightly. Loco y Magia.

Seven weeks of documentary filming and photography. Yes yes, suits me perfectly, the movie is soon to be released, the images soon to be developed and shared. More to come.