Fashion Magazine

NEW LOOK Fashion Style: The Denim Trend Lives On...

By Fashiontakeout @FashionT_O
From Acid Washed To a Cropped Denim Jacket...The Denim Trend Lives On...
Denim has been around in the fashion world it seems forever...In actuality "denim" has been used in America since the late 18th century. The word originates from the name of a sturdy fabric called "serge". Denims traditional color was a "indigo blue" to create blue jeans.
Then the denim market was forced to be creative after a demand of denim processing emerged from dry or raw denim to selvedge, to even more uses that became prevalent to the fashion world.
Fashion label "NEW LOOK" creator of "British Denim Jackets" is taking advantage of these processes through their line up of denim jackets for 2013.
I was asked by NEW LOOK to feature a few of their chic little denim jackets in a blog post. The denim jacket I chose to feature in my fashion collage is their little long sleeved, button up denim jacket. 
denim jackets
I wanted to create a fashion style that can be worn with this chic little denim jacket; that illustrated a casual fashion street style.
Denim jackets these days seems to be a popular trend that can be mix n matched with a sequin top or a jersey dress. Maybe throw in a pair of skinny floral jeans and some ankle booties. 
Just like today; I chose to mix-n-match with LA PERLA two-tone techno lace top and a Parisian cream flower lace skater skirt. I also thought a Saint Laurent petite cabas classique Y in powder leather handbag and a pair of Alejandro Ingelmo Athena heels would give the fashion ensemble the right fashion street style POP.
New Look has a nice lineup of denim jackets they are offering in their 2013 collection.
mint green westa denim jacket
You need to check out their "Parisian light blue Aztec dip dye denim jacket". They teased this little denim jacket with a little mixture of tie die and a savoring flavor of Aztec into the upper portion of the jacket.
mint green westa denim jacket
I'm also loving their sweet little Spring and Summer "Mint Green Westa denim jacket". I love the mint green color. It flirts between girly and rocker chic. Certainly would fit into the street style look. I could kick it in a plaid shirt and prairie skirt with a cowgirl type of boots. That would look totally hot.
These are just a few of New Look's gorgeous selection of chic little denim jackets. Thank you for stopping by and giving my blog a read. I so appreciate your loyal support. You're the best...Have a awesome day or night maybe!

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