Food & Drink Magazine

New Instore: Müller Light Crumble Inspired Yogurts, Gingerbread Teacakes & More

By Grocerygems @grocerygems
New Instore: Müller Light Crumble Inspired Yogurts, Gingerbread Teacakes & More
Hello everyone, I'm back! I haven't been blogging as regularly in recent months but that's all changing from today. I've been inspired by some great new finds and have lots of exciting reviews lined up. I thought I would start with the basics so here's a round up of some of the new products that I've spotted instore.
Müller Light Crumble Inspsired Yogurts (above): I spotted a multipack with two flavours; Rhubarb Crumble & Custard Flavour Yogurt and an Apple Crumble & Custard Flavour Yogurt. A must for anyone following a Slimming World diet plan. Spotted At: Iceland - £2.50p.
New Instore: Müller Light Crumble Inspired Yogurts, Gingerbread Teacakes & More
McCain Nacho Cheese Ridged Wedges: I also found these celebratory looking new Nacho Cheese Flavour Ridged Wedges from McCain. There is also a Paprika flavor available in this new 'Ridged Wedge' format. Review coming soon! Spotted At: Iceland - £1.00p.
New Instore: Müller Light Crumble Inspired Yogurts, Gingerbread Teacakes & More
Walkers Sarnie Crisps Multipacks: For some reason I was struggling to find the new Sarnie flavours from Walkers in a multipack format. The first place I found them was Iceland but I've since seen the packs in Sainsbury's (for £1.00p each multipack) and Tesco (for £1.50p each). Check back later for a full review of all the flavours. Spotted At: Iceland - £1.00p.
New Instore: Müller Light Crumble Inspired Yogurts, Gingerbread Teacakes & More
Co-Op Portuguese Custard Tarts: I'm not sure if this is new or not but my local Co-Op has started selling Pasteis de Nata, commonly known here as Portuguese Custard Tarts. I'm not sure if open baskets are quite the right place to display these but I thought it was an interesting new bakery item. Let me know if you've tried them! Spotted At: Co-Op - £0.69p each.
New Instore: Müller Light Crumble Inspired Yogurts, Gingerbread Teacakes & More
Mince Pies: These are definitely not new but mince pies being sold in early September (I took this photo on the 3rd) is just ridiculous in my opinion - especially when their best before date is October 19th! It's not that I don't like to buy mince pies early, but by "early", I mean from mid-November onwards. We haven't even had Halloween or Bonfire Night yet people - let's not skip over autumn altogether! Rant over. Spotted At: Co-Op and every other supermarket in the UK - £1.00p.
New Instore: Müller Light Crumble Inspired Yogurts, Gingerbread Teacakes & More
M&S Beetroot & Goats Cheese Batard: Apologies for the blurry photo but I had to take it whilst pretending to browse on my phone - there were so many people hovering nearby for the free samples. Anyway, this distinctive pink bread (yes it's a bright pink loaf) looks like it was dreamed up by a contestant on the Great British Bake Off. Spotted At: Marks & Spencer - £2.70p.
New Instore: Müller Light Crumble Inspired Yogurts, Gingerbread Teacakes & More
M&S Orange & Crimson Raisin Boule: I don't think I've ever heard of a Crimson Raisin before but I'm assuming it's a reddish raisin? Anyway, I did try a sample of this bread and it had a pleasingly sweet orange flavor.  Spotted At: Marks & Spencer - £2.70p.
New Instore: Müller Light Crumble Inspired Yogurts, Gingerbread Teacakes & More
M&S Gingerbread Teacakes: I'm a fan of both gingerbread and teacakes so combining the two seems like a winner to me. Were these available last year? If you've tried them then let me know in the comments below. Spotted At: Marks & Spencer- £1.00p for 2.
As always, if you spot anything new instore and fancy sending me a photo then let me know via email: [email protected] or Twitter: @grocerygems

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