Languages Magazine

New & Improved Search Ranking Algorithm!

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs
MindMeld's search ranking algorithm is now better than ever! Our team has been hard at work calibrating the ranking algorithm so it can transform search queries into results your users actually care about. The algorithm relies on a variety of factors that you can adjust by visiting the Ranking Dashboard in the MindMeld Developer Center. For example, recency is an important factor if you have time-sensitive content, while popularity is useful if you have content that's related to entertainment.
The ranking formula relies on a mix of elements while also giving you the option of adding any other factor that is applicable to your specific data setIf you have a site with unique factors that you use to evaluate the importance of content, such as Hearts, Pins, or Likes, then take advantage of this option through ourcustom ranking factors.

A better ranking algorithm translates into better accuracy for your intelligent voice experiences. Sign up for the MindMeld API to try out our new ranking algorithm!

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