Fashion Magazine

New Hair Do!!!

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Hello and welcome to another week and hopefully the sun is shining wherever you are!
So I finally had my hair cut (it was last done in December of last year!!!) my husband very kindly treated me for my birthday. I tootled off to the fantastic where the lovely Loren gave my mop a serious chop!!
So here it is the before taken about an hour before I went..
New Hair Do!!!It had gotten long well long for my hair anyway and was really getting me down so I decided to have a big chop!!
Here is the result
New Hair Do!!!
This was taken just after leaving the hairdressers and feeling like a new person!!
As it was my birthday on Saturday husband and I celebrated by having some drinks in our back garden whilst listening to some 80's tunes via internet radio!!

New Hair Do!!!

Slightly tipsy garden selfie!!

I even broke my MUA lip lacquer virginity and treated myself to one over the weekend!
New Hair Do!!!

I had a fab weekend full of good food and great times with my family and now I am trying to make the most of the last year of my thirties!!!
Thank you to everyone for all the birthday wishes!
New Hair Do!!!

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