Food & Drink Magazine

New Days

By Aldy M. @AlDenteGourmet
New Days My sister and the carnations from home
These are the new days, days from a new season. Days filled with hazy sunshine and undefined breezes that suddenly, make me feel like I'm caught up in between seasons!These are the days of September, days of uncertain weather, indeed. But despite of all this climate changes, Spring can be felt in the air here and with it the craving for ice creams too! {Yes, big fan of ice creams} 
The ranunculus flowers are blooming... more and more every day! Yes! Finally they are part of our little garden. Fortunately I started my gardening upgrade a couple of weeks ago and now that the weather is turning prettier and the air starting to smell like colorful flowers, I could continue organizing the plants and sowing veggies, tomatoes, radishes, strawberries and hopefully some lettuces too!
Any advice about how to grow lettuce plants? I would love to hear some advice from you! 
Besides the usual and unusual challenges, the last months have been filled with many wonderful moments, laughs and some surprises too.And I couldn't tell you which one I've enjoyed the most, in the end they are all especial! The most beautiful moments in life {little things with great love}.
Celebrating life's moments and the new days of September!
A collection of moments...
New Days  
 Happy New Season, everyone!Hope you're having a lovely start to September!
I'll be back with recipes soon!

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