Humor Magazine

New Brooms

By Kyknoord

My old boss retired not too long ago and in the subsequent hierarchy reshuffle, we got a new department head.

The new guy wasted absolutely no time in identifying and targeting the troublemakers in the section. Guess who made it to the number one spot with a bullet? I was disciplined for my “insubordinate attitude” – in other words, asking questions along the lines of, “why the fuck do we keep doing this when it’s clearly not working?” in meetings.

It turns out that members of management are highly sensitive souls, so it’s HOW you say something that gets you on the shit list. If I’d phrased my query in a more palatable manner (i.e. something in corporate-speak which would have completely obscured the actual meaning) like, “Have we considered how we can optimise the process to achieve the requisite synergies?”, I would probably have been okay.

Instead, I avoided being fired by the narrowest of margins (it sucks when the dissidents are actually good at their jobs), but the Powers that Be nevertheless needed to Send a Message(TM), so I was demoted to minion. I was also booted out of the section into the office dungeon where I can’t offend management’s delicate sensibilities more than necessary and I won’t be able to pollute my colleagues’ innocent minds with any subversive ideas.

At least it’s quiet down here and the rats are friendly.

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