Music Magazine

New Bootleg from Jon Kong and Chris Aidy

Posted on the 13 September 2011 by Dancefloormayhem @dancefloormayhm
Hot new booty from Jon Kong and Chris Aidy - they took the melody from Conscindo by Mark Knight and Wolfgang Gartner and used the acapella from Star 69 by Fatboy Slim. I love it! Enjoy!
Mark Knight, Wolfgang Gartner & Fatboy Slim - Conscindo 69 (Jon Kong & Chris Aidy remake) [click to download]

Jon Kong & Chris Aidy Facebook page
Jon Kong SoundCloud
bonus: here is a remix of La Roux's hit "In For The Kill" by Jon Kong that was previously featured on Dancefloor Mayhem
La Roux - In For The Kill (Jon Kong remix) [click to download]

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