Tuesday Tip: I’ve been more blush-happy ever since watching Kate walk down the aisle on Friday, and I’ve noticed I’m not alone . . . It’s true, you’ve never heard of the “blushing entrepreneur.” Or the “blushing mom of two.” YET. I’ve always been a strong proponent of ‘women of a certain age’ (e.g the age I am), using blush as one of the easiest ways to add some zing to your life.
But Kate changed everything. She’s the first person who made blush the defining feature of her makeup look. More IS more. And you don’t have to marry a prince to steal Kate’s ravishing look.
To achieve Kate’s rosy cheeks, first find a blush that has a pink tone that matches your skin tone just a smidge brighter than your color after exercising (or running through Bloomingdales). Smile big, and then start on the apples of your cheek and move back along the cheek bone. To ease into pink, you can try using a bronzer, then a sheer pink on top. I’m full on into a rosy pink with sparkles. Enjoy! You’ll certainly be looking like you are.