Diaries Magazine

NEW Bloglovin' Link Up

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
I'm always looking for new blogs to follow and new friendships to make. With our frequent moves, there's something comforting about the relationships I've made with you amazing ladies through blogging, because I know you'll always be there for me!
With all the hype surrounding Google Reader disappearing, this will be a great way to get all of our blogs switched over to Bloglovin' and meet new friends!

Simply Clarke
<a href="http://www.simplyclarke.com/search/label/Bloglovin%20Link%20Up"><img border="0" src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TxDbqDI7KgI/UUXARZiXj_I/AAAAAAAACMY/ghUkxwYOdOw/s1600/bloglovinlinkup.jpg" /></a>
A Few Requests:

1. Follow all your hosts
NEW Bloglovin' Link Up

2. Grab our button for your post so that others can join in 3. Link up using your Bloglovin’ URL 4. Visit at least 3 other blogs 5. Leave a comment with your Bloglovin URL so we can follow back! Don't forget to TWEET about this link-up so others can join! Now, make some NEW friends :)


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