Lifestyle Magazine

New Blog New Me?

By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd
New Blog New Me?
I've been contemplating change for a while now, deciding whether to change the name of this blog and start afresh. Whilst I still love blogging, I feel that I've become less and less true to myself in my writing on here, and I didn't really like the direction that it was heading. Change is always bittersweet so at the same time as being sad to leave UNSTITCHEDD behind, I'm happy to be starting afresh with 'Maddy Cane' which I hope will be a more honest reflection of the person behind the blog. You probably all know and think of me as a beauty blogger, but I'm hoping that I will be changing my content up slightly to include more lifestyle, art, fashion, food, musings, photography, travel and interiors posts, as well as the ones that you have come to know (and hopefully love).
I really hope that you're all happy with the new change and are here to stay. It's still the same old me behind the blog, just with a slight new direction to encompass more facets of my interests and personality. I'm hoping the whole change will give me a new outlook on blogging and respark the love and passion that I have for it, which you will hopefully be able to see in my content. I'm going to be changing my design in a couple of weeks time (more on that later) and am still pondering whether to  keep my old content up or start completely afresh (let me know your thoughts below). 
The old site should now direct you to here, and all my social media names have changed as well so I will link them down below. Hopefully I'll be back into the flow of things soon with lots of new and interesting content. Please don't hate me, and I hope you stay on this journey with me, tell me what you think! 
New email address: [email protected]Twitter: - @maddycaneeTumblr: maddycane.tumblr.comInstagram: - @maddycaneePinterest:':

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