Lifestyle Magazine

New Blog Design

By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd
New Blog Design
New Blog Design
Welcome to the new UNSTITCHEDD, I'm so excited that my blog design is finally up! I really like the colours and design of it and I would like to say a massive thank you to Sabrina who did everything for me, she is a wizard with HTML and I wouldn't have had a clue what to do. The layout also works a lot better on the iPad and other handheld devices, whereas it didn't before. 
In honor of the new design, I am really hoping to really work on my photography over the summer holidays when I have the time. I want to establish a theme so that my photos all blend together, fit in the same theme and are all edited the same so that they aren't so disjointed. There are also a few new links on the page, not all of them are working yet, I am sorry! But I promise that they will be up soon!
Have fun looking around! 

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