Those digital guys at Austria's Kronen Zeitung have been quick on the gun when it comes to the Apple Watch. At a time when most Europeans have not yet seen an Apple Watch in the flesh, KZ has come out with a sports app that "combines all the features several international News-Apps cover separately," according to Michael Eder, head of product development. The app is called "Krone Sport".
What does it mean?
"This means: Article Handoff: read the Article on the Apple Watch or continue reading it on the iPhone/iPad, It also means Live-Results: see Live-results for the most important games ," Eder told me.
The app contains information about a variety of sports, including soccer, ski, tennis, etc.
Here is how KZ developer Helmut Januschka sees the app:
„Sport-news-Coverage needs to be fast and reliable, so it was clear for us, that a Apple Watch-App would be the best addition to our „Krone-Sport“-App. All the information you need, directly on your wrist!
The most important thing for the development was, that the user gets the information easy, within few clicks and right on time!
We started developing with the Beta oft he SDK which only had few possibilities. Over time, more and more functions where added. So we’re looking forward to the upcoming versions!“
I asked Michael Eder why the KZ management decided to go with a sport app first for the watch:
Because customers who are interested in sports want fast and on time information. Secondly, our sport app got great customer reactions and anticipation.
Austria still does not have too many Apple Watches or any smartwatches for that matter. I was curious to hear why the Kronen Zeitung decided to be first out of the gate with a smartwatch app. Eder explains:
You are right, there aren't a lot of watches around in Austria. But as a publisher we need to be first movers, to get into people's minds with our content. And from customers' and early adopters' view, you need content and the chance to raise app installed is higher that way.
Eder explains that there are currently two programmers working on the project wearables. One for Android, one for iOs.
How about sponsorship ads?
"We are testing ads at the moment, but that's definitely not in our focus," Eder said. "Most important thing was the early adopter and marketing background. There has been huge response, when we finished the app and started a lottery/contest. "