Books Magazine

New and Improved!

By Compelledbywords @compelledbyword
Hello loves!
I know I said I'd be back around the 22nd but... I lied. Don't worry, I will resume posting tomorrow. Just wanted to let you guys know that the blog won't be exactly how it was before. Yes, I will still be doing reviews! But that's not all. See, tomorrow starts a new journey for me. Well, a few actually. My diet is changing, my goals are changing, pretty much everything is changing. And I'd like to talk about all of that here. This is my spot on the web, and I feel like I need to do what makes me happy here.
I stopped blogging before because I felt confined to just talking about books all the time. And don't get me wrong, I love talking about books. But I'm not just a book nerd. I'm also a studying Buddhist, a raw vegan, a yoga addict and a pogo junkie. Plus many other things, but I won't get into that just yet. So hopefully you'll stick around and see what I have in store. If not, thanks for following me this far. I appreciate each and every one of you supporting me, if only for one post.
Starting tomorrow, I will be participating in my first challenge upon return! One of my favorite book blogs of all time is Book Soulmates. If you haven't heard of them, definitely take a few moments to check them out. They have started a photo a day challenge on Instagram (which I am currently obsessed with), which you can find by clicking on their name. I followed along in June and it looks super fun so now I must participate.
Well, that's all I wanted to say today. I just got finished doing my Statistics homework so my brain is now officially fried for the evening. I'll see YOU tomorrow!

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