Politics Magazine

Netflix: The Special Relationship

Posted on the 19 November 2011 by Erictheblue

Dennis Quaid's bluff, voluble Bill Clinton schools Michael Sheen's Tony Blair, who could barely be heard above the shoosh of our dishwasher in the next room, on winning elections and governing from "the center left."  Sheen's undertones signal Blair's moral seriousness: he knows you have to invade Kosovo, and not permit interns to suck you off. If only he could figure out that W. is a chump.

Quaid shows that he has studied his subject by the way he sets his chin in the crotch between thumb and pointing finger, so lost in thought that he momentarily forgets to feed himself.  The thin overlay of historicity, including news footage, suggests that the prime minister and his aides really did bat back and forth the question of whether "it has to be in to be a sin."

Not a significant contribution to the made-for-TV genre.

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