Shipping a few weeks ahead of schedule, Nest thermostats that learn from your interaction and program themselves, will soon be appearing in homes around the country. Even at $249 a pop, the devices are sold out and currently on back order.
It’s a sleek, smart device that people are clamoring for in their bid to save money, green their lives, and replace the out-dated thermostats of old. In two years, the company claims, the money saved by using the device will more than make up for its high purchase price. For comparison’s sake, Eric argues that “you can do a lot better for ROI (return on investment). If it saves you more money per month, that’s one thing, but otherwise, you’re buying something that is sleek, yet over priced compared to what’s on the market and my ROI was two WEEKS. Now, the interface and programability of my Energy Star rated thermostat is poor, however.”
Some of it’s nice features are an “auto-away” feature that will automatically put the house into low energy mode if it detects (with an occupancy sensor) there is nobody in the house for a few days. It also learns from your routine. If you turn up the heat in the morning, turn it down when you leave for work, and then turn it up again when you come home, Nest will recognize this pattern and begin doing it for you. It seems like it recognizes the difference in schedules and routines on the weekends and creates a daily schedule for the full week. It is also accessible from the internet and smartphones so you can change the temperature “miles from home” if you’re running late or out of town.
Seemingly small advances like this are accumulating to lead us to a greener future. You say you want a revolution? It’s in progress.
Check out the Nest in detail on their homepage.