Today's article gives you step-by-step lesson on how to make a Nehru topi or in simple words - a Nehru topi DIY. You can help your kid make one and he can wear it for children's day celebration at his school.

~ Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
Childhood is really a treasure of lot of innocence and happiness. To mark the rights, care and education of this ocean of love, children's day is celebrated in India on 14 th November.
Why is 14th November celebrated as children's day?14 th November is the birth anniversary of independent India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. He worked so much towards education, progress and welfare of the youth of India. To pay him tribute, his birth anniversary day was selected as children day. It was first celebrated in India in 1964 after Nehru's death.
According to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, children are the actual strength of the nation and they should be directed to the right directions by the means of proper care and education. He introduced the plans of free primary education and free meals to schoolchildren to prevent malnutrition among the younger generation.
Chacha Nehru believed, "To be in good moral condition requires at least as much training as to be in good physical condition".
He was very fond of kids and was lovingly called as "Chacha Nehru" by kids. In addition to being a children's lovable "Nehru Chacha", he was also a great leader and writer.
His personality is marked by clarity of thoughts and simplicity of style. Nehru had his own style of dressing and was always seen wearing a special kind of cap called as "Nehru cap/ topi" after his name.
In this post, you can learn how to make Jawaharlal Nehru cap using paper.
This children's day, you can teach your kid how to make Nehru cap from paper. It is a simple craft that requires only two materials- paper and gum. Once you teach your kid, he/ she can make it even without your help, as there is no cutting/ coloring required.
Materials required- A4 sized white paper (you can use A3 or A2 size paper for bigger topi)
- Gum
Nehru topi DIY - step by step tuturial:
Take a white colored A4 size paper. Fold it into half.
Now half fold this paper again to make two equal portions. Then, fold top left and right corners to the middle fold line as shown in the picture. You can see the triangle is formed on the top.
Fold half of the triangle toward the bottom to create a fold in middle of the triangle. Now open the half fold.
Now use the folds to form two triangles at left and right sides on the top. Follow the picture instructions.
Upturn the remaining paper at both front and back. See that cap is formed already.
To give a perfect look of Nehru cap, fold the all four corners (front and back) of upturned paper towards inward sides.
Now take the cap and apply gum to the shown points in it. Paste those points with gum.
A perfect Nehru cap is ready for your kid.

Note: Nehru topi made with A4 size paper will be small. You can use A3 or A2 paper and follow the same steps to make caps big enough to fit properly on your kid's head.
So, turn crafty with your kid this children's day. Try this easy-peasy Nehru topi DIY for your kid, ask him to make for his friends and surprise them on their own day. Also while doing this Nehru Cap origami, take it as a chance to teach your kid the great things Nehru has done for children and the nation.
Enjoy with your kids, being a kid at least for a day.
Set yourself free for a day, Permit yourself to act like a child and add fun this special way to your life.Happy children's day to you and your kids.