Football Magazine

NEBRASKA FOOTBALL RECRUITING: The Final Big Board of the 2012 Class (1/31)

By Huskerlocker @huskerlocker

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By Brandon Cavanaugh

It’s been a long time coming, but Signing Day begins bright and early tomorrow. With that, we update the 2012 Big Board one last time.
1. OT Andrus Peat Peat’s been No. 1 on the Big Board since its inception and it’s only fitting that he ends the cycle there. Tommy Armstrong’s a stud, but Peat would be the crown jewel of this class, no offense to the gunslinger from Cibolo. Nothing can be said that hasn’t already been about Peat. Nebraska needs him, end of story.
2. DT Vincent Valentine It’s appropriate that any prediction of where Valentine signs is at best a guess followed by a shrug. He’s been claiming a Nebraska lead for months. The cancellation of multiple visits and the lack of news coming out of his camp combined with vague commentary when he does speak up is somewhat concerning. If his LOI comes across the fax line tomorrow, feel relieved.
3. CB Devian Shelton Shelton could very well be headed to the Pac-12, perhaps to play with cornerback target Brandon Beaver at Washington. He still remains a realistic prospect and a badly-needed one.
4. DT Aaron Curry If Valentine’s not on Nebraska’s signed list, expect Curry to be. Coach Kaz is very high on his abilities and if there’s one spot that needs bodies worse than cornerback, it’s the interior defensive line.
5. WR Alonzo Moore With Devin Fuller defecting to the UCLA Bruins, Moore’s a suitable replacement. While technically being looked at primarily as a wide receiver, he appears to be getting the Jamal Turner overview of potentially excelling at multiple positions. Depending on how the quarterback situation shakes out, he may get a few practice snaps for kicks if nothing else.
National Signing Day Extravaganza: We went to the most reliable source to determine what we’d be doing for NSD: Husker Nation. A 5:30 AM CST wakeup call awaits as the Twittering will commence shortly thereafter. We’ll be featuring a live LOI blog, a live chat at noon which will cover Andrus Peat and Vincent Valentine’s commits and a final podcast roundup recorded immediately after.
We don’t want fan interaction to stop there. Chat with us on Twitter, join the live chat and stop by to make your voices heard on the fan page. We look forward to spending NSD with you all.
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