Football Magazine

NEBRASKA FOOTBALL: Knee-Jerk Reactions - Penn State

By Huskerlocker @huskerlocker

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By Brandon Cavanaugh
- The score was near-expected. The atmosphere was exactly as expected and yes, it was surreal.
- The mid-field prayer may be one of the highlights of the entire college football season.
- If Taylor Martinez can learn how to draw that much attention and provide a pitch off the option like that every time, no one will complain.
- Someone clearly changed out Rex Burkhead’s batteries. Another game, another 100 yards.
- When Martinez and Rex switched positions, did it look like they just got curious about what the other’s day was like to you, too?
- Due to what we’ve been told regarding receivers’ performance habits, Jamal Turner will clearly be starting against Michigan…right?
- Kinda thinking that a redshirt should’ve been kept on Aaron Green or Braylon Heard.
- Two offensive guards traveled and went the distance. Bravo Mr. Choi and Mr. Long.
- That wasn’t a fumble.
- Will Compton has taken his game up a notch and none too soon.
- Alfonzo Dennard continues to look better every week. That guy’s gonna make some coin in The League.
- Take a look at every FBS team around the country and thank your lucky stars for Brett Maher again.
- An amazing press conference by Bo Pelini. As Sports Illustrated's Andy Staples said, it’s required viewing.
- Bowl Prediction of the Week: Outback Bowl vs. Georgia.
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