Football Magazine

NEBRASKA CORNHUSKERS: Knee-Jerk Reactions (3/11/2012)

By Huskerlocker @huskerlocker

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By Brandon Cavanaugh
- Seeing Sadler go was necessary, but damn hard to watch. What made it harder to watch wasn’t Doc breaking down or the obvious desire to succeed, but how Tom explained the situation. It was like watching a funeral. The death of a good man’s efforts.
- In brighter news, how Erstad’s sluggers are an entertaining bunch to watch if nothing else. A fun 8-8 tie after being down six runs was fun, but Cal tipped it with experience. Yesterday was complete and utter revenge.
- It was beautiful.
- Spring ball starts with nothing staggering to report. If no one else gets severely injured between now and mid-April, that’s about the best anyone can hope for.
- Consider those who got the opportunity to talk shop with Bill Belichick extremely envied.
- If Lavonte David actually ends up being the Husker taken highest in the draft, look forward to the career of Michael Rose. He has the same work ethic.
- He was also at practice yesterday.
- Not really a fan of Pensick at center. Caputo was a special guy. You can’t keep plugging in 275-pound guys in against Big Ten defensive interiors.
- Slide Spencer Long over to compete with Ryan Klachko and Mark Pelini.
- Not that Mark Pelini.
- Digging the implementation of QB cams during seven-on-sevens.
- Starting to question if Andrew Rodriguez should continue to have a scholarship following 2012 at this rate.
- PARTING SHOT: If you hadn’t heard, LSU Senior goalkeeper Mo Isom is trying out for the LSU football team ala KaLena "Beanie" Barnes did for Nebraska back in the day. Turns out she’s really, REALLY good:

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