Hopefully yesterday was our last day without water.
After lots of phone calls, instructions on how things should be done and a plan of how to actually do it ... all orchestrated by my Lovely Hubby rather than 'the experts' ... things were finally achieved. Rather than faffing about looking for a leak in a buried pipe he suggested the simplest way forward was to run a new pipe from the roadside stop tap to the house. This was done by two men in just under a day, with the help of a local guy and his 'mole'.

Last night we had running water for the first time in a week and a half .... and long luxurious baths were enjoyed by all 😊
Today they are expected back to finish off the job, as you can see from this photo the grass has been reinstated, now we just need pipe work to the house sorted out, the old inlets capped off and finally the large hole by the front door filled and new tarmac patched in with the old.
There is light at the end of a long, dry tunnel ... oh and typically today it is raining properly for the first time in a couple of weeks, so there's water inside AND out.
Sue xx