Last night, Santa arrived, or as I like to call him Mr. UPS. We just finished dinner when the delivery came, so we cleared everything out of the morning room and put the new rug down.

I tried to get several pictures of the rug by itself, but that never seemed to happen. So if Dozer could talk he would say that the rug is soft and comfortable and rather Nap Worthy.

I think that the runner adds a much needed punch of color to the space. The sunburst mirror was a recent find from Homegoods and I'm still in debates over whether or not it should go here or somewhere else in the house. We will be painting the hall a light warm gray and also the morning room where the other rug is. I think once it is all finished off, the space will feel even more inviting.
I don't know if I got a chance to mention in a recent posts, but we just had a Homegoods open about 20 minutes from our house. Ahhh! My home away from home! Their grand opening was Sunday. I was able to go their soft opening Friday which was such a blast and I have been 3 more times since then. Is that an addiction? Do they have a limit to how many times you can visit or stay over night? I'm just throwin it out there. Don't you think they should have HomeGoods Lock-ins for women, like they used to do at the Bowling Alley when I was little. Just an idea HomeGoods ;-)
I was able to find some really great things, so stop back by to see the next post!
Also, Design Board Packages are still half off through Easter Sunday. Email me if you are interested!
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For on-site design services {Greater Hampton Roads and Richmond Virginia}, please email for pricing and availability.

Seaside Interiors