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Nautical Nursery #2

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
Hey guys!   It has been an unusually busy week around here.  I am looking forward to watching Survivor with the kiddos tonight and a much needed date night Saturday with my hubby. 
 The Bathroom Renovation has been on hold this past week since Dustin was out of town for three days and has been at the fire station the rest of the time.  I told him I would work on the bathroom while he was gone, but he said he wants to work on it together.  
Which you know is code for, "YOU MIGHT SCREW IT UP, so wait for me."   ;-)
So, I did just that.  This week, I continued on finishing up on a few Design Board Packages.  I have to say, I am kinda lovin working from home!  
I hope to soon be able to do my design work in the office once that's finished off,  BUT, WELL, you know that song that goes "Ti-i-i-ime is on my side, yes it is?"   Right, well, we are the opposite of that when it comes to having time for DIY projects, lol.   
But we do have a good chunk of available time coming up. Dustin will be off the entire month of April from the Fire Department, so we will be taking the first week off with the kiddos since it is their Spring Break and then we should have a couple big chunks of TIME to get the kids bathroom and at least one other room done.  Either the mudroom or the office or a bit of both.  
Today, I wanted to share a Design Package for a client who lives in Sydney, Australia.  When Mary contacted me, this is what she said, 
" I love your design board "navy and yellow nautical nursery."  It has given me some inspiration on planning for my son's nursery."
"I too would love a nautical yet relaxed nursery for my boy, however I was hoping to use a slightly different color scheme."
After Mary sent me some of the pictures of the rooms and answered several questions regarding room measurements, design style, and feel of the nursery, I was able to get started creating a space that I thought would work great for her family.
Here is the end result...
Nautical Nursery #2
Not your typical nautical nursery, but it might just be my favorite!  She wanted it to be soft and a place that they could just relax with the baby.  I think it still has the nautical feel without being over done.  
The one thing I had to make sure was that she had access to all of the items from where she lived.  Another thing is that Australia doesn't have Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore, Ahhh!  So, Mary gave me her local paint shops and I color matched the paints to her paint stores.  
I always hope that the clients are going to love the room once I finish the design board and that I captured all of their wants and needs.  After sending Mary the Design Package (including, source list, design board, and room layout)  this is what I got back, 
"Good morning Helen, 
Words cannot describe how pleased I am with what you have put together for my family-it is exactly what I was after.  The mood board looks amazing!!!  I cannot wait till the items are placed in the nursery. 
I love how you incorporated the little fish and the pier boxes because I was eyeing these out ; )
In a year or so my hubby and I plan to renovate our home and I hope I can use your services again...  It has been a delight to have your input.   With kindest regards,  Mary"
Dagum, I love my Job!!!  (I said that, not Mary)
Just having started my business up this past year has brought a lot of excitement and a lot of nervousness to make sure I do a good job and getting feedback like this makes my heart really happy!  
Here's a closer look at a few of the items for the Nursery... 
Nautical Nursery #2  SOURCE
Possibly my favorite item in the room.  I can't get enough of them.  Wouldn't this be a quick and easy DIY to do too?  Paint it all out in one shade, add the white stripes or whatever color you are going for, and then finish up with the numbers.  You could even do a number that is significant to you.  The babies birth date spread out on to three separate boxes or something like that.
Nautical Nursery #2 SOURCE
Such a fun and funky chair for a space!
Nautical Nursery #2 SOURCE   
I love the gray chevron pattern with a touch of yellow in the piping around the pillows and this gorgeous lemony yellow lumbar pillow.
Nautical Nursery #2 SOURCE
The sheets are on the right.  They have a two toned effect.  The chevron comforter is on the left.  Such a soft and luxurious bedding set for the their little guy.  I wish it came in big people's size for me!
Nautical Nursery #2 SOURCE
This was not on the mood board, but I don't like to jumble up the Design Board, so I add the other items on to the Sources File.
I just thought this keeps with the color of the bedding and accessories and if they move down the road, they can take this along for their little guy without having his measurements drawn on a wall.
I hope you liked the Design Board too and Mary said she would send pics when it is all done, so stay tuned for those.
Check back for my next really overdue Fence and Shed PRETTY MUCH finished Post ;-)
I am linking this design board to Beth blog Design Your Dwelling who is hosting this weeks party and her co-host Ali of House Vintage.  There are lots of great mood boards on Beth's weekly Mood Board Party if you want to check it out.
Nautical Nursery #2
House Vintage
Have a great Wednesday!
If you enjoyed this post and don't want to miss out ;-) click up top there on the right and follow along ;-)
For information on my on-line design services, please click here.
For on-site design services {Greater Hampton Roads and Richmond Virginia}, please email seasideinteriors01@gmail.com for pricing and availability.
Nautical Nursery #2
Seaside Interiors

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