Diaries Magazine

Nature’s Way

By Latoya @latoyallawrence


Saturday, March 04, 2006 at 7:54 PM EST

If you’re in tune and you’re paying attention you’ll receive the certain messages of the outdoors. And if you’re highly in tune you’ll automatically receive the messages even when you’re not paying attention.

The sky, the wind, the trees, and so on all have a way of speaking to us.

Sometimes it doesn’t look right outside, the certain days in particular may appear to be too bright.

There is a quietness during particular nights of the summer season when you are out that will assure you of safety no matter how late the hours may be. The leaves of the trees also blow a certain way in corroboration to this revelation.

There are also warnings during the calm summer nights that are similar to the warning in particular cool winter night airs, reminders of the dangers that lurk around us.

The beautiful sunlight of a warm clear day can reveal things.

The tidal waves of the oceans also tell us things, especially when the sun or pink-blue-orange skies colorfully mask around the clouds and reflect upon it’s large body of sparkling waters.


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