Fashion Magazine

Nature and Italy!

By Americansarta @sartamexicana

Alta Via dei Parchi. Viaggio a piedi in Emilia-Romagna - il trailer 

Finalmente on line il trailer del documentario "Alta Via dei Parchi. Viaggio a piedi in Emilia-Romagna" in uscita il 23 ottobre 2013. Il film è prodotto da Articolture, in collaborazione con Italica Edizioni; promosso da Regione Emilia-Romagna, Servizio Parchi e Riserve dell'Emilia Romagna; scritto e diretto da Enrico Brizzi e Serena Tommasini Degna.

Alta Via dei Parks. A walking tour in Emilia-Romagna - the trailer

  Finally online the trailer for the documentary "High Way of Parks. A walking tour in Emilia-Romagna" out October 23, 2013. The film is produced by Articolture, in collaboration with Edizioni Italica; promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region, Parks and Reserves of Emilia Romagna; written and directed by Enrico Brizzi and Serena Tommasini Worthy.

"My land is called Emilia Romagna.  It is the only region in Italy that took it's name from a street.  And we are use to always beginning, to return, and see many people pass through.  The street is within us, it is a place of our soul and a border. "

"A few days in nature and you realize what must have happened  in town during this time."  "Nothing"

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