Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Natural Perfume Notes: Suspect Sniffs – Pleasing Aromas Harbor Hidden Dangers

By Yellowstar2000 @TherapeuticOils

- great post by new awakenings mag about more benefits of natural perfumes vs synthetics:

Pleasing Aromas Harbor Hidden Dangers

Natural Perfume Notes: Suspect Sniffs – Pleasing Aromas Harbor Hidden Dangers

A special aroma may be pleasing to the senses and psyche, but some perfume fragrances contain dangerous synthetic and toxic ingredients that can enter the body through the skin and lungs. Scientists at the Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, in Spain, found that about one in every 10 people will consequently suffer allergic reactions that include itchy, scaly, discolored, painful skin and asthma attacks. The European Union Scientific Committee on Cosmetic and Non-Food Products warns against their damage to the immune and endocrine systems, and Greenpeace cautions that the harmful ingredients can enter ecosystems.

read the rest of the article here; Suspect Sniffs – Pleasing Aromas Harbor Hidden Dangers.

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