Home Magazine

Natural Gas Home Heating & HVAC

By Futli @futlim

The clean, cozy warmth of natural gas. High-efficiency natural gas heating systems keep you warm and comfortable on the coldest days. New natural gas heating systems are up to 97 percent efficient. That is important, because during the coldest months, a heating system may operate up to 15 hours a day. Since space heating accounts for nearly half of your annual gas usage, increasing heating-system efficiency is the single most effective way to reduce your gas bill. And you’ll feel more comfortable than ever too. Homes heated with natural gas all feel alike — warm and draft free. An electric heat pump just can not match the warmth and comfort of an efficient natural gas heating system. There are several types of natural gas heating systems: Forced-Air System: This is the most common type of system in the United States. It uses natural gas burners to heat air. The hot air is then .forced. through duct work by a blower or fan. Hydronic System: These systems have a gas boiler that creates steam or hot water, which is then circulated through the home through pipes or tubes. Hydronic systems use baseboard components, radiators or radiant tubing built into the floor. Ductless Systems: Requiring no chimney or ductwork, some models will provide supplemental heat in a room, while others will provide complete heating for an individual room, zone of rooms or even an entire house. Combo Systems: These systems combine heating, water heating and sometimes cooling into one system.
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