Divorce Magazine

National Happiness

By Judithmiddleton

On 29th June, this blog will reach its sixth anniversary. When it first started, I had read about the dreaded affliction known as Blogger’s Block but have fortunately rarely succumbed, having decided that daily entries would always be beyond me anyway. I confess that things have slipped of late. However, as we head towards six years, I thought I had best make amends and get back to the old keyboard. So, it is with a sense of pride that I want to tell you about 4 splendid ladies in our family law team at Macks. They got into training a little while ago to run the Race for Life in Darlington last Sunday and raise funds for Cancer Research at the same time. They ran together as a team (linking hands for much of the route) and in the end all crossed the finishing line within one second of each other. Four days later and they are still exhilarated, already planning their next race. I thought of their exhilaration when I read the recent release from the Office for National Statistics on What Matters Most toPersonal Well Being. On the national happiness scale, married couples and those in civil partnerships fare higher than single people including divorcees. It seems that having someone to hold hands with really does make us smile. Ah, if only life were that simple.

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