THIS is Our Country….
How can The Right possibly compete with the wrong-headed selfish needs of The Left?

….and THIS is Our Country under obama !
Forget about jobs, the economy,the crushing debt they are going to inherit, muslim and illegal takeover, cover-ups in Benghazi and Fast& Furious….these ‘Brightest and Finest’ young voters for the POS have their own agendas.
A group of college students chanted “Karl Marx” and “socialism” while celebrating President Obama’s electoral victory in front of the White House late Tuesday night, a video shot by Campus Reform reveals.The raucous group of students chanted “Karl Marx, Karl Marx, Karl Marx,” and cited abortion, socialism, and “Obama phones” as reasons for their support of President Obama’s second term. Click HERE to watch the video. (*WARNING* typical liberal vulgarity).
Meanwhile, another of our nation’s “Brightest and finest” hope for the future (snark), articulately (double snark) voices his support for the ‘mother fu**er’s stance on ‘mother fu**ing’ Israel and Iran, and yet another states his confidence that the POS is gonna bring all the ‘mother fu**ers’ together:
They all got one part right:

“I can get my crack DELIVERED wif my new ‘bamaphone”…