Hair & Beauty Magazine

My Weightloss Story

By Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink
Hellooo,I hope you are all well, it's been a few weeks!
This year was the year I was determined to get fit and healthy. I turned twenty and wanted to turn a new chapter in my life...and what a crazy 6 months it has been. It has been a roller coaster but fantastic.
At the beginning of the year I was okay with how I looked I knew I was bigger than I wanted to be but had learnt to love my body and myself. However I decided to get fitter. For the last 4 months I have walked 10,000 steps a day. I also did a 90 day sugar detox, I ate nothing with added and unnatural sugars in it. It was a challenge but I love a good challenge and it made me feel so much better. I went from a UK size 16 to a UK size 10/12 in 6 months and could not be happier with my progress. I have done no dieting, I still eat the foods I want to eat, I sill bake and eat the baking. I eat slighytly smaller portions than I used to but they used to be fairly big! I don't dsnack I just eat three meals a day and walk 10000 steps. I have lost over 3 stone and feel so much better in myself. My confidence has grown and I feel well and fit and healthy!
It is challenging losing wait especially when, like myself, the weight got put on over a long period of time and so I thought it would take a really long time to lose, but it really didn't. Hard work and morivation really pays off. Also having the support around you makes all the difference, even if my gran is trying to feed me cream cakes!!
When you don't see people for a while and then you have a dramatic change in the way you look, their reactions are prices less. However you will get asked the same questions over and over but only shows they care. Question 1 is usually "is everything okay, are you well?" ...once you have clarified that you are in fact well the second question is "how did you manage to lose so much weight"!My Weightloss StoryThis one is two years ago and then now.
My Weightloss StoryMy Weightloss StoryAlso the way in which I lost the weight was more of a lifestyle change and ao far the weight has been to maintain. Thank you thank you thank you for everyone's support and love. Thank you to the #weightlosswednesday crew for inspiration and motivation.Laura x
(Disclaimer~ I am in no way an expert on this topic, this is my own experience and what has worked for me) 

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