Hair & Beauty Magazine

My Week in Photos – Feat. La Belle Miette

By Sparklingker @sparklingker

This post has been outstanding for months! I’ve been meaning to post it but keep forgetting. For those of you who remember, when I visited LuxBite a few months ago, I mentioned that I also wanted to visit La Belle Miette. Well we ended up visiting the Chadstone store (or cart) a couple of weeks later. The cart is located on the top level near Mimco and Myer. One of the things that annoys me is when people don’t decide what they want before getting served. There was a lady and her kids in front of us who kept umming and aahing about what they want. I stood there waiting and waiting until they decided!! I’m not a patient person, especially when it comes to dessert and food.

My week in photos – Feat. La Belle Miette

My week in photos – Feat. La Belle Miette

My memory is so shocking, I don’t remember everything we ordered. I know for sure we got the Lavender, Cherry Blossom & Sake, Violet & Blueberry and the Pistacio which all tasted really amazing.

My week in photos – Feat. La Belle Miette

It’s such a shame that there were no places to sit around there, we ended up taking the macarons downstairs and sat at the food court. I gobbled them up real quick after taking photos.

As silly as this sounds, I can’t actually taste the difference between Lindt, Ladurée, Zumbo and La Belle Miette macarons. They all taste the same to me!! If you can notice the difference, tell me which you like best and why?

Oh yeah one more thing, does anyone know if there are anymore macaron/dessert places in Melbourne?

P.S – I’ve got a giveaway on the blog very soon, stay tuned!

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