Hair & Beauty Magazine

My Top 5 Favourite Summer Accessories

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hi lovelies!
I haven't done a jewelry or accessories post in aaaages and so I thought I would show you my top 5 favorite summer accessories!
My Top 5 Favourite Summer Accessories
I like BOLD ASS JEWELLERY! I like to keep the outfit fairly minimal because I'm not a huge fan of big prints, so I like to go a bit wild with the jewelry. Wild times. *pulls party popper*...
My favorite necklace is this tribal one...
My Top 5 Favourite Summer Accessories
The necklace cost me £4 from New Look - I know, bargain! Everytime I'm in New Look, the first thing I do is head on over to the jewelry stand and check out the offers because NL always have the BEST offers on their jewellery, I never pay full price for my accessories.
I love wearing this with something really boring and then POW! I look like a fashionista in an instant. Boom. I really am crap at being cool huh?
My Top 5 Favourite Summer Accessories
This ring is a bit of a touchy subject with me. I love it, but loooads of people HATE it.  I love that it's big and tribal and empowering but you have no idea how many people have told me it's the ugliest ring they have ever seen. Really. How rude right? Anyways, this was an Accessorize purchase about 2 years ago and I coated the inside of it with some clear nail polish as soon as I bought it to stop it going green - two years and about 100 uses later and not a green mark in sight.
My Top 5 Favourite Summer Accessories
These earrings were another New Look purchase. £2.50 was all I paid. Do I need to say the B word again? I think I do... BARGAIN! Anyway, I bought these last summer with the intention of wearing them with shabby updo's and a black dress. Turns out, I wear them with black, white, yellow, blue and pink! These just have a way of going with my outfit regardless of what I'm wearing and without making me look like Pat Butcher.
My Top 5 Favourite Summer Accessories
Guess where I got these from? BAHAHA! Got you that time, they were from River Island and cost me a whopping £1.75 - Oh yes! I will refrain from using the B-word again.  I wear these whenever I want to feel like a bit of a rock chick, because even in summer time I have rock chick moods. Am I alone?
My Top 5 Favourite Summer Accessories
So unfortunately this bracelet wasn't such a bargain but thankfully I didn't pay for it.  This was a gift from my mom and dad for Christmas and it is from Tiffany & co. I can't get enough of wearing this! It's just so classy and goes with everything. You simply cannot beat a classic ladies!
My top 5 favorite summer accessories are all items that I can use over and over again. What are your favorite accessories for summer? Let me know below because I loooove shopping for new accessories.
All My Love..
Holly xxxxxxx

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