Gaming Magazine

My Top 3 Goals for This Blog in 2014

By Dotchi Latham @DotchiLatham
With the holidays approaching, not a lot of people are focusing on blogs and internet. They are focusing on family, trimming the tree, and trying to make it through the holidays in one piece. Me included! Because of that, I wanted to make this week brief. 

Today's post, I am posting what I want to see for this blog in 2014. I have two other holiday greetings coming up this week, but the rest will be taking off until the New Year! I will still check comments and emails though, so keep them coming!

My top 3 goals for January to March 2014 for The Baker's Acres

Goal #1: Consistency! 

I am going to work back into my blogging groove! My goal is to post 4 days a week, MINIMUM! But I want to get on a blogging schedule so you will all know when to expect my posts, like clockwork! I think Mon-Friday is a great goal. That's five days, I know, but that gives me the week end off to plan and work my real life stuff.

Goal #2: Get more frugal tips, ideas, reviews... anything frugal on here

Everyone loves my articles about frugal tips and ideas, the recipes from scratch too. I want to start putting more of those up because 1) they are fun to post! and 2) they are great for all you... and who doesn't need to save money?
Goal #3: Get organized!

I want to get the blog better organized for readers to use. This will take some time to accomplish, probably the first three months LOL. But I want it to be easier to use for all of you. I know I group things for "Home, health, happiness, family/friends, frugal and fun" (my new tagline, b/c frugal needed it's own spot) but that doesn't mean the blog needs to be a jumbled mess. I'll be working with a few people in the background, off-screen, making the blog as user-friendly and easier to navigate as possible.
What do you want to see happen to this blog in 2014?From The Baker's Acres! Read more at

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