Hello lovelies :)
I am spending today catching up on emails, writing a 3 page religion paper,
invoicing 50 work orders & working out. Relaxing Sunday, no? ;)
That's okay though, I've been playing all weekend...helping my best friend celebrate her
21st so it's worth it!
Here are a few pictures from the weekend AND at the end...
my thoughts on The Hunger Games movie!
I tried SO hard to do a mini-outfit photo session before heading out to dinner,
but Boots had other plans. She kept pouncing on the camera, making everything blurry.
So I gave up. She won that round ;)
Friday I got home from class and Adam was standing
in the doorway of my apartment holding this:
Seriously melted my heart!
I love that guy :)
And there is the beautiful birthday girl :)
We all had such a good time walking the streets of downtown Orlando,
making sure that the world knew that Britt is officially 21!
And Saturday evening, Adam & I FINALLY made it to see The Hunger Games!
I'm sure if you've read my blog in the last month you know just how incredibly stoked I was
for this movie to come out. So my expectations were pretty high. Then I saw the positive consensus on Twitter after the premiere and my expectations were even higher!
I'm not gonna lie - I walked out kinda EH about it. I'm not gonna give anything away in case some of you haven't seen it yet. But I will tell you that Adam has not read the books and he was totally lost the entire time. I tried to watch the movie from a "non booker reader" standpoint and I have to say...some parts were kinda confusing.
I feel like there wasn't enough backstory and that a lot of the relationships/underlying themes that were so evident in the book were not portrayed in the movie at all.
But I still think it was a great movie! The characters and setting were how I pictured them. And the scenes that were in the movie were played out well as far as visuals go. Jennifer Lawrence was the perfect actress to play Katniss - she was phenomenal. I'm just disappointed about the gaping holes in the areas of relationships & themes.
Have you seen it? What are your thoughts?