That's precisely the reason why I have been missing here on Incognito, though I keep on having ideas of articles to write for the blog, I seldom have time to gather up all my thoughts and produce something worthy because I am working in a creative environment. I once remembered May of giving me advices to keep on blogging whilst fulfilling my internship. One of them was actually when not having time to write posts to be present on social medias which means for me showing I am still alive on Facebook and Twitter. But dear friends did you know ? As much as I suck at everything SEO, statistics, numbers and other things requiring coding skills (definitely not your scientific crazy here) I REALLY suck at everything like Facebook and Twitter. On 2 years of blogging I painfully gathered 192 followers on Facebook and 170 on Twitter (knowing the number of the latter can change at every moment considered people's whim) whilst some fellow bloggers in the same amount of time succeeded in getting more than a hundred even thousands of followers on both of these social media. This is no blogger FOMO but a matter of fact. And to think that I am currently doing an internship in content & community management (in which the last particule of my internship is the most important), GAG ME !
My "I know I suck at something.." usual face
Social medias are what keeps your blog alive when you are not blogging but also what makes it grow and having a constant following. If you don't have them it will look like you are blogging for no one to read hence my decision to invite you to follow me on both my uncanny social media channels aka Facebook and Twitter in order to teach me how to be :- consistant - interesting - a good person to converse with - someone providing cultural info- someone providing HER vision of fashion In brief I want to interact with eventhough I am not necessarly blogging.