Fashion Magazine

My Reading Nook

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
My Reading Nook

If you have been a readers for a while, you know I love my books. I am not as ferocious a reader as I used to be, but I go through phases when I will get through 5 books in a week, or I won't touch one for 5 months. Summer, however, is a time that I associate with reading. It might have something to do with summer vacations from school days. I must be one of the few (at least in the US) who still purchase books. Like real books. That is only because I cannot wrap my head around e-books. I have a Kindle, and an iPad but I have only read one book on each of them. Making it a grand total of TWO e-books! I gave it a shot, you know, in the name of paper conservation and what not but I realized I need a physical book to actually enjoy reading. I will conserve paper else where (like no paper towels in the kitchen, or like by not printing boarding passes while traveling). I am glad I found
But reading is not just about books. It is also about unwinding and relaxing and diving into a world of your own. Which can't happen if you don't have a reading nook in your house , with a cozy vibe. You have already seen my rather grand book shelf, but my nook is nowhere close to the shelf. It is away, with a side table, and a stack of books which I plan to read or have recent finished and a bunch of soft pillows to rest (or lie down) on. I can practically hide-out in this narrow corner of my house and no one would know I am there.
as it is a great online resource to find used books which are in great condition and at a fraction of the original price. For example, any title marked with a DEAL tag on the detail page is priced:

  • 2 books for $7.00
  • 3 books for $10.00
  • 4 books for $12.00

Another perk: Your orders are shipping within 24 hours and the shipping is FREE on all US Orders of $10 or more! How awesome is that?!!

Any hoo, below are some of the books I have recently read. The ones from Thriftbooks are yet to be completed though.

My Reading Nook
My Reading Nook
My Reading Nook
My Reading Nook

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

My Reading Nook

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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