My Next Move ( is an easy-to-use electronic tool that enables users to explore occupations and find related information, including job openings, job outlook information, salaries, apprenticeships, and other related education and training programs.
It was developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, and uses information developed as part of the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) system. O*NET is a comprehensive career information resource which collects data including the knowledge, skills, and abilities required by more than 900 occupations in the U.S. economy.
Users can search for careers using key words, industries, or their work-related interests. When you type in key words, like “care for animals,” the site brings up a list of occupations that use that skill. The tool is written at a reading level that makes it accessible to everyone and is great for those who may be unfamiliar with computers and Internet sites or young people exploring careers or deciding on college majors.
My Next Move includes an online interest assessment with 60 questions about what you like do. Based on your interests and responses, the site suggests potentially suitable occupations and careers. When you start the profile, the site advises you to focus only on what you like or dislike doing; it strongly advises you NOT to think about whether you have the education or training to do a job or how much money you’d make. The questions are based on the Holland Self-directed Search, which is one of the most respected and validated career assessment tools in the world.
According to the Holland Self-directed Search site, “Dr. Holland’s theory states that most people can be loosely categorized into six types—Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional—and that occupations and work environments also can be classified by these categories. People who choose careers that match their own type are most likely to be both satisfied and successful.” The site charges $4.95 for taking the survey.