Fashion Magazine

My New Hobby and Achievement of the Month…

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

My new hobby is something that I’ve never been able to do before. When everyone else learnt to do it as children, I never quite made it. And over the years I’ve avoided doing it and even developed a little bit of a phobia of it. But now I’ve conquered my fear and have given it my best shot. Yes, I have learnt to swim!

Previously, I’ve only ever splashed around a bit in a pool – not swimming, more playing really. And I avoided putting my head under the water at all costs. When friends would step out of the pool sopping-wet from racing each other, going on water slides and doing roly-polys, I emerged with my blow-dried hair in tact, barely even a drop on it. But this summer I literally threw myself into learning to swim and my lovely hubby patiently led me through the process. Step-by-step I learnt to float, to tread-water, to put my head under the water and (with the aid of goggles and a nose clip!) eventually to swim.

My new hobby and achievement of the month…

I am pleased to say that I am now swimming breast-stroke at 25m badge level (ohh yeaaah) and have found my new favorite sport. And now I’m even doing handstands and forward-rolls underwater myself!

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