Lifestyle Magazine

My Natural Hair Journey Care Tools + Video

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

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Time to talk about the elephant in the room, my natural hair.
I have been natural for the last 3 year and I will say it is the best decision I have ever made regarding my hair.
My journey hasn't been stress - free but it has been a thrill and I am so glad for all the information on how to take care of my "nappy" and "unruly" hair.
It is not rocket science but we have all be conditioned to always use chemical relaxer on our hair that we lost track of how to tale care of the hair we were all born with.
To some being natural is just hair while to others it is a movement. Whichever side you are on, what matter is  you feeling great about your hair.
Check out the video below for more on how I care for my hair.
Thank you for coming by here and have yourself a great rest of the week.
What hair tools do you use to care for your hair?
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