Last week I mentioned that if anyone wanted me to do a post about my IUD experience that I would. Quite a few people were interested in that so here we go:

IUD stands for Intra-Uterine Device. It is a type of birth control.
Why did I choose to get an IUD?
I have been on the pill for a few years. Honestly, I was just ready to be off of it. the last few months that I was on it, I felt extremely emotional. I didn't feel like myself. I was moody, irrational, anxious - just not good. I did quite a bit of research and talked to a few of my girlfriends and decided that an IUD seemed like the best route for me to go.
What type of IUD did I get?
I went with Mirena. I've never had kids so I thought I wouldn't be able to get it, but my doctor said that it didn't matter and that I could still get Mirena even though I've never given birth. I sort of wish that I would've got Skyla, which is said to be "Mirena's little sister." Skyla is smaller than Mirena and releases less hormones than Mirena. It was also created specifically for women who have never had kids.
How does it work?
Mirena is a plastic T-shaped device that is inserted into your uterus. It releases 20 mcg of levonorgestrel into the uterus each day. Throughout the course of 5 years, this dose decreases while still remaining effective. In contrast, birth control pills typically release 150 mcg into the body.
How long did it take to get it put in?
The actual insertion took about 5-10 minutes, but I was at the doctor for a total of about an hour.
Did it hurt?
Yes. Yes it did, lol. My doctor wanted me to come in to get Mirena inserted while I was on my period. Apparently, when you're on your period your cervix is naturally dilated a little bit, lessening the pain of insertion. Unfortunately, my period started on a Friday afternoon and was over by the time I was able to go to the doctor on Monday. That means my doctor had to dilate me and HOLY MOTHER it was not a good time. Think period cramps x10. The insertion itself wasn't TOO awful (just a little uncomfortable), but getting dilated was terrible. Luckily it was quick pain. Once the IUD was inserted I was a little light headed and very pale. The nurse gave me some apple juice and I was fine after that. I took some Motrin before getting Mirena put in and continued taking Motrin every 4-6 hours for the rest of that night to keep the cramps at bay.
What's it like afterwards?
Honestly, once I had the apple juice and some food afterwards, I was fine. A little bit of cramping, but nothing that I haven't dealt with before. I was totally fine by the next morning. I did spot off and on for the first week, but not too bad. I just wore liners every day and I was golden.
Am I happy with my decision to get an IUD?
It's been 2 weeks since I've had my IUD put in and I have to say, I have no complaints! It's nice not having to take a pill every day and I've stopped spotting. I don't feel it whatsoever (and it doesn't bother my husband for those of you wondering...sorry if that's TMI but I know some of you are curious about that). I was afraid that I would feel it when I was lifting heavy in the gym, but nope! The only time I feel it is when I'm checking to make sure that it is still in place. You do that by feeling for 2 little hanging strings (think fishing line) that come out of your cervix.
Also, this may be a placebo effect, but I honestly feel less crazy now that I am off of the pill. Overall, I am happy with my decision. I'll let y'all know later down the road how it affects my periods and whatnot, because apparently a lot of women stop having a period while using Mirena.
I hope this post gives you some insight on what my experience was like. If you have any questions that I didn't address feel free to comment below (or email me), and I'll gladly answer them!
xo, Jess
*Please note that I am not a doctor or in any position to give anyone medical advice...this is just me sharing my