Create professional looking grade reports and high school transcripts within minutes with My Homeschool Grades. This program is probably the easiest, most flexible grade keeping tool you'll ever use!
After signing up for an account, with a click of the mouse, add your students, add their classes and extra curriculum activities. There's even an option to recreate past grades for a given student.
Now here's the fabulous part - the totally customizable screen in the set up area. My Homeschool Grades has a listing of some popular curricula in the 'Choose Publisher' pull down menu. If yours isn't on the list, just choose 'other'.
For example, we are Math-u-See users and this curriculum was listed in the pull down screen. Clicking on this option and then the corresponding level will bring you to an input screen with areas for all lessons, tests and even applicable honors pages. But what if you didn't do every lesson or skipped around in the book? No sweat! Just erase that particular line. "Poof!" It's that easy!

Another great feature is the flexible grading area. Besides the pass/fail feature, My Homeschool Grades recognizes letter grades, percentages AND fractional grades. Here's the kicker - you DON'T have to chose how you input them upfront. So, if Johnny scored an 85% on one sheet and the next one an 18/20, you just enter it without converting the score!
Here's a look at a simple final grade screen for my 4th grader using pass/fail for the grading system:

This is how my 9th grader's classes and activities look after I have inputted all the necessary information:

My 9th Grader's Activities section:

Here's a look at my 9th Grader's transcript. My Homeschool Grades also offers you the ability to input classes for 1/4 - 4 credits plus choose yearly, semesters or quarterly and even dual enrollment!

Final Thoughts:
I really enjoyed using My Homeschool Grades. It truthfully is the easiest, most straightforward grade tracking / transcript making program I've ever used. I can see how this revolutionary program will save many a homeschooling parent time and sanity when it comes to grade reporting!A Lifetime Membership is just $49.99 and is well worth it! But, don't take my word for it, click HERE to try a 14 day free trial for yourself!
Check out what other Mosaic Reviewers are saying about this product (Live link coming soon!)

This post written and property of Homeschool Circus and can be found at: www.upatdawnreadytowork.com.