This post is part of a weekly series of ‘link-up’ Posts which reflect on life’s journey, old memories and family stories (see below for more info).
There was a time when people didn’t move around much. If you were born in Birmingham, you’d probably have died in Birmingham. Maybe that explains why I left, eh?

I recently discovered some marvellous vintage photos of the area where I was born, Northfield. I find it fascinating to look back at a place which you used to know so well and find that it has become, or indeed was historically, unrecognisable to you. Home, sweet sweet home.

Share your memories with us in this week’s Link Up – either write a blog post and link it up (the Linky will stay open for some time yet, so no need to rush), or just share your memories with us in the comments if you prefer – you don’t have to have a Blog to play! Everyone welcome here. Consider it therapy. But do tell your friends!
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More about the Life’s a Journey weekly memories series.
A selection of other posts from this series:-

Week 2 - Old School Portrait

Week 4 - Bestest Friends

Week 5 - Teenage Crushes

Week 6 - First Movie Memories

Week 9 - Favourite Childhood Books

Week 19 - Becoming a Parent

Week 25 - Old Boyfriends
Tagged: childhood, family, genealogy, history, home town, life's a journey, Linky, memories, nostalgia, stories