My husband returned from overseas yesterday. 6 months early.
I can't even begin to explain the emotions I had when he told me... or the emotional roller coaster we've been on the past few days. I'll share all of it sometime next week but for now, I'll let you look at the pictures from yesterday.
In my original plan, my good friend Amy was supposed to come and take pictures for me. But due to his travel plans getting messed up, she wasn't able to come after all. So these are the only pictures I have and yes, most of them are blurry. Sad face. But I'll have that moment in my heart forever and I guess that's better than a picture anyways, right?
Thank you all for your kind words, support, and prayers over the past couple of months. This was a huge challenge for our family and knowing we had y'all cheering for us and keeping us in your thoughts means the world to us.
Now excuse me while I go snuggle my husband... <3