Fashion Magazine

My First Attempt at Nail Art – Pink Confetti

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

I received a surprise treat in the post from my fabulous fairy friend Jenna the other day. She sent me a lovely card and a nail art brush, with a note saying she thought it might help for my beauty blog posts. Such a lovely surprise and a reminder of what amazing friends I have, and it put a smile on my face for days. So I’ve finally taken a few minutes to sit down and try it out for the first time to see what fantastic nail art designs I could recreate, and my first attempt was pink confetti:

spotty pink confetti nail polish with nail art pen

I painted my nails all over with a pale pink polish (with a little glitter in, of course!) and I picked out a few coordinating shades of pink, red and white polish. I dipped the ‘blobby’ end of the nail brush into each polish in turn and dotted it over my nails in a random pattern, cleaning the end of the brush before each color change. I found it pretty tricky to get neat dots on my right hand but soon got used to using the blobby end, and found that the dots were neater when I loaded more of the polish onto the brush. I finished with a clear top coat and love the end result. I’m sure I’ll get better with practice, but I thought I hadn’t done to bad for a first attempt and I’ll try out using the brush end next time, eek!

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