Destinations Magazine

My Favourite Shed

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

Not that we have many, we only have two. Okay only one proper shed, you know the sort that is a wooden structure that is utilitarian and where you keep your garden tools and other odds and ends. The other shed, my favorite one has a pond in it. And lots of plants too!

My Favourite Shed

The plastic box is not normally there but I was using it to keep the hosepipe in place as I do a partial water change.

We built this shed late last year and have been enjoying spending time in it since it was finished in early January. Whilst doing a partial water change this afternoon I took some photos and thought of giving a quick update on how this new shed of ours is doing.

My Favourite Shed

Some fresh water for the fish

The main filter is an Evolution Aqua Eazypod, and this filtration has been enhanced by adding another filter that has a UV clarifier that clumps algae, prevents green water, and greatly helps with the water clarity. Plus it provides extra biological filtration too. You can never really overfilter a pond so any filtration added can only benefit the pond and its residents.
My Favourite Shed

Another thing is that the filtration is maturing nicely, not only removing solid wastes but neutralising the toxic byproducts produced by the fish. Have to say I'm especially most impressed with the main filter of the pond which is an Eazypod. It filters very efficiently and is very, very easy to clean and maintain. You only need a few minutes to clean the filter and no need to be touching fish poo. Highly recommended if you're thinking of a filter for a pond!

The waste from the pond is fed to a large clump of bamboo just behind the filter house, I'm sure the bamboo wont object to regular watering with concentrated fish waste.

My Favourite Shed

The other inhabitants along with the fish are a number of plants, enjoying the warmth and shelter the shed provides.
My Favourite Shed

My Favourite Shed

As for the plants, all are doing well and have noticeably grown since we placed them there in January. None have migrated out as of yet but it won't be long now when most of them will, now that the growing season is well and truly here.

Mark :-)

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