Finance Magazine

My Favourite Magazine (or One of Them Anyway!!)

By Sue15cat
My Favourite Magazine (or one of them anyway!!)
If you find a magazine that you love it's always worth asking for a subscription to it for your birthday or Christmas, or if that fails simply pay for it yourself up front and have a whole year of reading ready paid for ... and at a much cheaper rate than it would be if you were to be tempted by issue after issue each month.  I bought this subscription myself sometime last year and it's saved me about half of the cover price if I were to pay for it every month.   
I have loved every copy of the magazine that has dropped through my letter box.  With my gardening magazine subscription bought a couple of months ago I have been inundated with freebies, mostly seeds, which will mean we are eating for free out of the poly and net tunnels this time next year, so that was a deal worth doing.
But so far this magazine has had no free gifts .... not that I expected any, but then this issue arrived with something attached.
My Favourite Magazine (or one of them anyway!!)
Four free postcards.
Images of the back covers that have been on the magazine over the last few months.
My Favourite Magazine (or one of them anyway!!)
And I love the back covers of this magazine, I featured one of them on the blog a while ago.
My Favourite Magazine (or one of them anyway!!)
They just stop and make you think.
My Favourite Magazine (or one of them anyway!!)
And are completely my philosophy.
My Favourite Magazine (or one of them anyway!!)
Love it.
My Favourite Magazine (or one of them anyway!!)
And when I took this one I realised, we have the same tiles :-)
I had to break off from this post briefly to answer the door to the postman, it's brilliant when Geraint the Post has to knock at the door it usually means he has something exciting for me. and I had totally forgotten I had ordered this particular parcel.  I'll let you in on what it contained tomorrow, for now I have to go and do a bit of reading about the contents, so I do them justice.  
Unfortunately I don't think I'll find what I need to know from my magazine so I'll save that until later.
Thank you for all the well wishes for my cold yesterday.  To be honest I'm feeling crappier than crappy crap today, ..... and I now have a clown like red nose to add to my woes.  Thank goodness for magazines and surprise parcels eh!!
Sue xx

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