Celeb Magazine

My Favorites From John Rocker’s Reddit “Ask Me Anything.”

By Ceboscuit @ceboscuit


By now you should have caught wind that John Rocker did an “Ask Me Anything” segment on Reddit yesterday.  If you’ve never heard of it, it’s exactly what it sounds like.  Users have the opportunity to ask the host whatever questions they’d like.  Unfortunately, douche bags from all over the world ask the host whatever questions they want.  Actually, most of the time it ends up being a forum for people who sit in front of their computer all day to make fun of the host.  Today was no different.  Rocker answered a ton of questions, though that wasn’t enough for the masses.  He did however spout off a few solid comebacks to some pretty ridiculous questions.

I present my favorites:

[–]TheGreenShepherd 179 points 4 hours ago

What did you do with all the batteries that the Mets fans threw at you during the ’99 playoffs?

[–]johnrocker49[S] 382 points 4 hours agox2

I give the batteries to your girlfriend for her vibrator


[–]shades344 88 points 4 hours ago

IT takes a special kind of moron to write off 8 million people because he was scared of catching AIDS from some kid he saw across a subway car.

[–]johnrocker49[S] -75 points 4 hours ago

Wrong. It takes balls to pick a fight with an entire city because you see how many truly disgusting people there are and have virtually no idea what dirt bags they are. I saw it as an opportunity to let them know. I assume you are one of them. Now get a job you fucking loser and stop playing on the computer in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon. When you retire at 38 then you can play.


–]kowboytrav 127 points 4 hours ago

Thanks for apparently inspiring the character of Kenny Powers. Other than that, you can fuck right off.

[–]johnrocker49[S] 129 points 3 hours ago

What have you inspired besides numerous abortions.


[–]pman555 78 points 4 hours ago

Why are you here? No one likes you.

[–]johnrocker49[S] 50 points 4 hours ago

You can tell more about someone by who his enemies are as opposed to who his friends are. It would say a lot about me as a person if idiots like you people who obviously have nothing better to do on a Tuesday afternoon than play on your computer actually liked me. I’m here because I’m retired at the age of 38. You’re here because your a 35 year old waiter who lives in his mom’s basement and have nothing better to do. Talk shit when you’ve actually done something with you’re life you useless shit.

There’s more but there’s also just a ton of crap in there.  Rocker did a pretty good job giving it right back to the many trolls that showed up.  Quality entertainment for all.


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